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Writer's pictureKyomugisa Frankline



By Bbiira Kiwanuka Nassa

I have for long been preoccupied with the narrative of working to reshape my future. The future is a paradox to many. Most young people transit to the future before planning the future. The few who appear to have succeeded end up living their future only to destroy it. Young people are living in the future accidentally. They glorify those standing in their future. The vast majority adore to do things and live a lyfestyle of their future now. Not many have been mentored to see this future. We live in a world where whoever drives a car is seen to be enjoying the future. People cherish things and destroy people. As such, we have destroyed our future. I opted to peddle a small guidance about the future.

Whoever need this future to be different from now should accept to live life others are not living now in order to enjoy this life others won’t. Begin asking yourself where the future will find you. Will it find you with rentable income or expenses? Have you started thinking about a country home? Do you have a real estate advisor now in order not sell the real estate investments in future that you acquired without an active income plan? Will the future find you in a mortgaged house or at the farm? Will you have a firm to give you loyalty or a firm to demand you for monthly fees. Will it find your children as an asset to you or liability to you? Have you started computing in quantifiable terms your net worth and network worth? Will you afford to maintain the lifestyle you live now or will dictate you to change it. It is high time we began asking such paradoxing questions of company now. Is your company guaranteeing this desired future? Are our friends in very nice rentals or in very nice owned homes? Will you need to go to a gym or will need a gym at your apartment. How much space do you have and how much will you need in future? What will be your preoccupation after your current employment? Will your children have a corporation to manage that you started during your youthful stage or they will be searching for jobs left right and centre. The youth can afford to drive a V8 nice car and live a classic life. What is most important is whether this life will be sustained to the time we call future. By the time you make 60 years, will you be able to afford the V8 latest model of the time? Have you started thinking about retiring young when you are still active? I did conduct a training for prospecting civil servants anticipating to retire soon this week for one of the Local Governments. I got worried the most. If you drive a company vehicle, have you started asking yourself what means of travel you will have after that job?

I ask you to reflect of the notion of future. Reflect on how it will be. Try meditating about this life of uncertainty. It is high time you served your last contract. The friends you have are for as long as you still have that job and live that lifestyle. The day your income declines by a half, they will reduce by more than a half. Those people you call fellow corporates are eying your income, enjoying your expenses, fancy driving your car and facilitating their time happiness. It is time for you to get a life transition coach to help you shape the future. Sometimes, we must get other people to define our future. They sometimes look at us as potential that we don’t see. They could critique and annoy us but can at least be resourceful to our destined future.

I thank you.

The writer is a junior citizen, a life coach and lead mentor for the next generational leaders.

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