This youth network brings together all categories of the youth in Kikuube district. They network in various areas with the purpose of engaging themselves into different projects that empower them economically.
The mission of the association is to Make a youth a better person and with a Vision of Making the world a good place for everyone.
These youthful people operate under the following objectives
Training and skilling: by lobbying for support training by NGOs and government and individuals with capacity. We have tried some institutions and organizations ready to skill and train our youth and we are looking at getting more.
Poverty Alleviation : by training special skills in commercial agriculture, and other hands on trainings, we shall be able to curb this down.
Promoting and implementing SDGs.
Job creation/self Employment: by creating projects for ourselves and fellow youth we will be able to tap all profitable opportunities with support from different bodies hence we will curb job problem short.
Communication : To have a good communication platform by giving a one big voice for the downer people with government in as far as development is concerned.
Environment : protecting and conserving the environment
Networking : partnering with different organizations and companies to delivering their services to the right people.
Empowerment : To motivate and inspire other fellow youth (girls and boys) to improve their standards of living in Kikuube district.
Accreditations : To give praise and genuine criticism where necessary in all angles.
Job opportunities: To help in job seeking for our fellow youth in organizations, companies and some agencies in Kikuube district and other parts of Uganda and world at large.
Health : To promote sanitation and hygiene in lives of youth and around them.
Justice: Advocating for human rights for the poor youth.
Education : To advocate for improvement in education through seeking for scholarships/bursaries for the poor unable youth, breeding a studying spirit.
Livelihood : To promote and protect the good interests of all Kikuube youth of Kikuube on matters concerning the management of their lives and how best they can achieve better living standards.
Culture : Promoting cultural values and a positive community spirit by ensuring discipline in the societies of Kikuube district through living as true examples, trainings and involving the Bunyoro Kingdom to teach it's people how a munyoro behaves. Breeding a spirit of social cooperate responsibility.Among others,
The youth today morning handed over the appointment letter to the RDC today at his office in Kikuube.
Where The RDC thanked the young people for the trust they have put in him and asked them to be disciplined, focused and united for the betterment of the association. He pledge to lobby for this association to see that the objectives are achieved and also encouraged them to do commercial agriculture taking advantage of the available market and good roads in the area.
The planner of the group/network Mr Tumwesige Simon said that they appointed the RDC as their patron because they found that he is a down to earth leader who also finds time to listen to the issues affecting the youth.