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Kikuube district farmers' prayers answered;as government donates 1,200 bags of cassava stems.

Today 27.10.2021, Government through the Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) under the NAADS Secretariat has today donated 1,200 bags of Cassava stems to Farmers in Kikuube District.

The Operation Wealth Coordinator for Buhaguzi County Captain Benjamin Gonzagane disclosed that they choose Kiziranfumbi Subcounty as the first Priority due to the recent hail storms which hit plantations of many farmers in Nyansorolo Village.

However 100bags have been allocated to Kikuube Town Council, 130 bags to Kiziranfumbi, 130 bags to Buhimba, 100bags to Bugambe and the balance to Kyangwali Subcounty which also hosts refugees.

The Kikuube District boss Peter Banura applauded OWC for the support which is going to reduce on the food shortages in the district thus fighting malnutrition among the children

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