With deep sorrow, CISO has joined the family of Mr. Mbonimpa Alex, also known as Bagio. According to the Statement released by Congolese International Students' Organisation directorate for Africa, Director Console confirmed that the mother of his staff member has been sick for a while and that the sickness was severe. " We are so sorry and we will join hands to help our colleague in this tragic moment''. Mr Bagio is the current CISO Area
Supervisor for Kyangwali, a position he has held even before the firing of Bacher Isaac. He also added that this has happened when they are working on important projects whose meetings were on schedule. Kyangwali News has tried to reach Bagio in person but unsuccessful; We hope he get back to us with details of the sickness and what he may with to inform the public.
For those that may wish to contribute towards the burial in support for Mr. Bagio, Please click the link: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/86bLFJehGc
Compiled by: Derrick, Muhumuza
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